
  • Mondesire, A. (2015) Caribbean Regional Synthesis for the 20 Year Review of the Beijing Platform for Action. Port of Spain: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • _____________ (2014) Institutional Strengthening of National Gender/Women’s Machineries. Georgetown/Bridgetown: CARICOM/UN Women
  • _____________ (2014) Caribbean Development Bank Gender Baseline Methodology. Bridgetown: Caribbean Development Bank
  • _____________ (2014) Poverty Reduction Action Plan – Commonwealth of Dominica. Bridgetown: Caribbean Development Bank
  • _____________ (2014) Poverty Reduction Action Plan – Turks and Caicos Islands
  • _____________ (2013) Gender Planning Guidelines for Institutional Partnerships, Ottawa: Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICAN)
  • Jn. Baptise, E., Cooke, L. and Mondesire A. (2012) Gender in Technical and Vocational Education in the Caribbean: Issues and Challenges. Kingston: UWI-UNESCO
  • Mondesire, A. (2011) Gender Action Plan for CARICOM Education for Employment Program. Ottawa: Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICAN)
  • Dunn, L. And Mondesire, A. (2009). Regional Special Topic Monograph on Gender and Development: Based on Analysis of 2000 Round Census Data in 18 CARICOM Countries. Georgetown: CARICOM Secretariat.
  • Mondesire, A. (2009). Comprehensive Review of Poverty Alleviation Programmes in the Caribbean. Bridgetown: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Mondesire, A. (2009) Gender Mainstreaming for Policy Makers: A User’s Guide. Roseau/Kingston: Government of Dominica/United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA)
  • __________ (2006). The Reluctant Feminist. In Enjoying Power: Eugenia Charles and Political Leadership in the Commonwealth Caribbean. Eds. E Barriteau and A Cobley. Mona: UWI Press.
  • __________  (2005). Social Protection in the Eastern Caribbean. Bridgetown: Delegation of European Commission for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.
  • Dunn, Leith and Alicia Mondesire (2002). Poverty and Policy Coherence: The Case of Jamaica. Ottawa: North South Institute
  • Mondesire, A. (2002). The Contribution of NGOs to Caribbean Development. Paper delivered to the Commonwealth Foundation’s Meeting on partners on Caribbean Development, St Georges, Grenada November 6-9, 2001. London: Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Mondesire, A. (1999). The Gender Balance Sheet in UNDP: A Study of How UNDP Delivered on Its Gender Mainstreaming Commitments During the Fifth Programme Cycle. New York: UNDP
  • __________ (1999). Gender in Poverty Analysis in the Caribbean. Paper delivered to the Caribbean Sub-regional Review of the World Summit on Social Development. Port of Spain: UNECLAC
  • Henry, Ralph and Alicia Mondesire (1997). Poverty alleviation and reduction programmes: the Commonwealth Caribbean Experience. In Poverty, Empowerment and Social Development in the Caribbean. Ed. Norman Girvan. Mona: Canoe Press
  • Mondesire, Alicia and Leith Dunn (1997). An Analysis of Census Data in the CARICOM region from a gender perspective: 1990-91 Population and Housing Census. Georgetown: CARICOM Secretariat
  • Mondesire, A., Bailey, B. and others. (1995) Improving organizational effectiveness in the Caribbean through training in gender analysis: A Project Proposal. Bridgetown: UNIFEM
  • Mondesire A. (1995) Closer to the Edge: Gender and Poverty in the Caribbean, Paper presented to a Seminar on Poverty and Social Policy in the Caribbean, Trinidad, March 1995
  • Mondesire, Alicia and Leith Dunn (1995). Towards Equity in Development: A Report on the Status of Women in Sixteen Commonwealth Caribbean Countries. Georgetown: CARICOM
  •  Mondesire, A. (1994). Poverty, Employment and Social Integration in the Caribbean. Geneva: World Council of Churches